Why You Should Follow Smaller, ‘Educational’ YouTube Creators
YouTube has everything, from how-to videos to music to comedy. There’s just one problem: most creators don’t put out thought-provoking...
Why We Need To Shut Down The ‘Troubled Teen’ Industry
I recently watched “Hell Camp,” a documentary about troubled American teens whose families sent them to a “therapy camp” in the harsh...
Celebrities Need a Serious Reality Check, Not Another Paycheck
We’re living in difficult times right now, but some people seem far removed from all of the challenges, especially Hollywood celebrities....
It is Just A Cup. You Need to Calm Down.
It sounds completely unbelievable, but the hottest trend right now isn’t a meme or a TikTok dance; it’s a cup. The Stanley Cup — which,...
I Hate To Tell You This, But America Is Racist
Dear America: You have a racist problem. And from a biracial person”s perspective, you need a makeover. You need some blush with a side...
This Bill Will Finally Help Americans With Disabilities Legally Marry
I am a person with multiple disabilities and have been on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for my whole life. SSI is a need-based...
What Happened When I Went Undercover In The Twin Flames Cult
By Larissa Martin Jan 15, 2024 A cult is a group whose members are zealously devoted to a figure, object, or belief system. Cult members...
What You Should Know About the Sheltered Workshop Crisis
By Larissa Martin Dec 26, 2023 As an adult with multiple disabilities, I care deeply about the work that other disabled people do....