`Tis the Season for giving!
This season is always when local and international needs are highlighted, and assistance is provided. The warmth of the holidays creates a generous vibe in people. There are countless possible ways to give back without giving money to your favorite charity! You could go through your closet and donate to a homeless shelter in your area or even just go to check on your elderly neighbor who may live alone. Even if you just sit with them for a little while it’ll give them some company if they are by themselves.
Personally, I struggle with the phrase “Season of Giving” as the needs that are often highlighted during this time of the year are issues that need awareness and assistance all throughout the calendar year. I feel most people do not acknowledge those whom may be less fortunate outside of the holiday season as often as they should. Sure, there are people who work/volunteer all year to donate their time, money and resources to a worthy cause. However, there is a noticeable difference between what is noticed during the middle of the year versus around the holidays.
About 9 years ago, I founded a local group dedicated to raising awareness for both local and global issues. This year, we held a new initiative where we focused on the hungry in the area and ran food drives to benefit families whose needs were brought to our attention. We found and collected food for one family or individual a month and named the project the “Feeding the Hudson Valley Initiative.” The goal behind this was to help those people within our community that may be dealing with food insecurity.
The fact that we very easily found twelve individuals and families to help shows the need behind this cause.Community support is what made this initiative possible. It is with everyone’s help, whether that was donating food or even spreading the news of our drives, that each drive was successful, and the recipients received peace of mind even if only for a moment or so. Caring members donated their time and resources and it wasn’t even a holiday, just ordinary people wanting to help others when they needed it. While the successful completion of 12 food drives warmed my heart to see such generosity, I am still saddened to know there is such a great need.. Please remember as you have a generous spirit this holiday season, that the issues currently being highlighted have just as much impact during the whole calendar year. How will you give back this year?