I used to aBSOLUTELY hate working out.
No matter which types of exercise I tried, I never seemed to love hitting the gym. However, a few years ago, everything changed, and now, I love a good workout.
One day, a family friend’s kids wanted to play a dancing game on the Wii.
I watched them play, thought it looked like a whole lot of fun, and eventually decided to join in. Soon after, these “dancing games” transformed my perspective on working out. I quickly went from hating to break a sweat to loving the rush a workout gives me. I have now progressed to trying different kinds of dance workouts, and my newest love is a dance game by one of my favorite instructors, Shaun T.
Shaun is a workout guru who has created many different exercise programs that cater to a variety of people.
He’s taught me that if I strive to become physically fit, I need to challenge my body in new ways. Thanks to his wise words about exercising, I try to switch the workout I am doing every day, so I can develop new muscles and burn fat more efficiently. With Shaun’s words in mind, sometimes I’ll follow a workout on YouTube, but other days, I’ll create my own workout at home.
As I discovered Shaun T.’s dance workouts after a string of fitness regimens that didn’t work out, I found that choosing a fun workout that fits your lifestyle takes trial and error. Once you find workouts that hardly feel like work, you’ll be less apt to skip the gym. Stumbling across Shaun T.’s workouts, for instance, helped me enjoy fitness more than I ever thought I could and motivated me to stick to a workout routine so I could stay healthy. I am grateful that I found a type of exercise I love that will benefit me for years to come.
When you are ready to start your fitness journey, customize your workouts to your own personal interests, desired outcome, and needs. Making your workouts fit you is often the missing piece of your success in embracing a healthier lifestyle.
Changing your fitness routine to incorporate your interests and talents can have a dramatically positive impact on the rest of your life. It can start a domino effect of healthful living that will last for years. Find a workout you love, and you’ll discover the key to treating your body like the temple it is.