Why We Should Start Congratulating Each Other More Often
When we congratulate someone, it’s usually for a monumental occasion. For example, most often it’s because of graduation, pregnancy,...
Why We Need To Share Blake Anderson’s Story
Blake Anderson is one of the latest black men in America who became a victim of police brutality. Anderson, a 24-year-old security guard,...
Why It’s Important To Share With Others When You’re Struggling
By Larissa Martin - Sep 13, 2022 I’m practically the queen of telling those around me to tell me when they’re struggling. I like being...
The Medical System Is Broken: Why It Needs To Be More Inclusive
By Larissa Martin - Mar 22, 2024 The medical system is supposed to help people find answers and treat their health conditions, but it’s...
Everyone on Social Media Loves Elyse Myers & Here’s Why
When I follow someone on social media, it’s either because I love their work or because they taught me something I never knew before. I...
Roe v. Wade Overturned: What You Can Do To Support Women
We are officially in The Handmaid’s Tale times. The supreme court officially overturned the historic Roe v. Wade verdict. Now, states...
The Truth Is Adult Friendships Change, And That’s Ok
Some of us are lucky enough to have a core support system made up of people who care and love us unconditionally, such as loved ones and...
New 'Alma's Way' Character Eddie Is Paving the Way for Disability Representation in Children's Shows
The new PBS KIDS show “Alma’s Way” follows a little girl who lives with her family in the coolest borough in the Bronx as she learns...